Guild is one of the largest products in web3. Our team is on a mission to scale and gamify onchain communities, with over 4 million members and 1,000+ communities.

<aside> 🏰 Our goal is to be the place for onchain communities where members can easily learn, connect, contribute and earn.


We believe that composable data, decentralized identity, and transparent digital economies can lead to more fun, meritocratic, and rewarding digital experience for all. That’s why we are building in web3.

Learn more about Guild


Why build with us?

We are working on a product that people love.

Having over 4 million connected users around the globe, more than 1000 active communities, and 190k Twitter followers with organic growth.

Working on our products based on the needs of online communities and our users. Talking with users and partners is a common practice within our team, and almost everyone participates in this process.

Building in the blockchain space without any bullshit.

We provide various real-world utilities for tokens such as memberships, event tickets, loyalty points, and credentials.

Building a customer-facing tool on top of the platforms that communities already use, such as Discord, Twitter, Ethereum, Polygon, and more than 10 other platforms. There is no magic involved - just a focus on fulfilling the needs of our customers.

Exchange rates do not affect us. We are not a financial but a social company.

It's fun to build.